About Nyeredzi Global Technologies

Nyeredzi Global Technologies > About Nyeredzi Global Technologies
About us

Our Identity

Founded in 2020, Nyeredzi Global Technologies is a forward-thinking enterprise dedicated to delivering high-quality technology services and products across Africa and on a global scale. Our corporate headquarters are strategically located in Harare, Zimbabwe, and we maintain branch offices in key international hubs, including Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Guazhong, China. That’s the story about us as Nyeredzi Global Technologies.

Our founding purpose is to spearhead technological advancement in Africa and contribute to global progress. Nyeredzi Global Technologies is committed to aligning its efforts with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly emphasizing industry, innovation, and infrastructure to promote sustainable cities and communities.

Recognizing that technology is an indispensable asset for cities and communities to excel, Nyeredzi Global Technologies is dedicated to enhancing Africa’s IT industry and fostering the development of robust infrastructure, thus making significant contributions to the region’s resilience and growth.

We are true to ourselves, and commit to always perform at our best.

We believe that we are outstanding. Not because we say it, but because we work hard at it. We are dedicated, committed and focused. We believe in Transparency, Integrity, Customer Happiness, Accountability, Innovation, and above all, we believe in shared culture and ethos.

Our version

Main Purpose

To be a priority in Premium Technology Services Provider in Zimbabwe, Southern Africa and beyond; and to accelerate Africa’s transition into Sustainable technology hub.

Clients Satisfaction

Our clients’ success is our success, and we prioritize their needs, providing exceptional service and support 24/7. Accountability and transparency are our watch-word.

Fully Accountable

Teamwork, experience, accountability and innovation – all of which is reflected in the quality of our results. You can rely on us to provide dependable IT solutions, supplies and services.

Why we exist

Nyeredzi Global Technologies ambition is to make sure that all African business understand the importance of technology. With Artificial Intelligence taking the world by storm, it is imperative that Africa wakes up and start the implementation of technology. Whilst smart phones, electronic gadgets and the internet used to be the only cutting-edge option, there is more to this.

The new application code release dates and time to market for new technologies are shrinking. Because of this, many organizations are forced to adopt to change faster. If Africa needs to compete at international level, then it should be quick to understand the role of technology and make Africa connected.

This is one of the numerus reason(s) why our company (Nyeredzi Global Technologies) has come to stay. Our clients entrust us to solve difficult problems in a manner that is secure and confidential from our first contact with them.

We are true to ourselves, and commit to always perform at our best.

Frequently asked questions

Shaping culture has been Nyeredzi Global Technologies sole focus since we were founded close to 5 years ago. We have worked in more than 5 countries around the world and are able to deliver our work seamlessly. With our HQ in Harare, we believe to grow our customer base not only in Zimbabwe but Southern Africa.

Value engineering is based on a methodology developed by Lawrence Mines, who worked for the General Nizer Company in the USA during the Second World War. Because of the war, there were shortages of materials and certain finished products.

However, manufacturing was running at maximum capacity, and ideas were needed to expand production. Thus, Nyeredzi Global is here to ensure you won’t run out of solutions, services and tech products. We constantly work with our customers to ensure they have everything at anytime.

Sourcing products ranging from gaming laptops, interactive display solutions, laptops, fintech solutions, call center solutions, etc. we believe in adding value to your business.

Through our high-level reporting from our systems, we support CEOs, CFOs, controllers, managers and treasurers to optimize the structure of their finance functions to improve their contribution to the business. Nyeredzi Global Pvt structures its support to ensure that finance addresses the challenges of achieving appropriate standards of control, efficient back office opportunities and support to the business through insight and challenge.

We can also provide consultancy services to design and deliver development programs for business analysts at any level. We can help define the knowledge and key skills required for new or existing roles, assessing current or required competency levels and putting in place development programs.


We provide the best value to our customers by continuously refining our processes and cost structure. Exceeding our customer expectations is our main focus to long lasting relations.

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